Kingdom MG club (Fife)
A bit about us..........
The Kingdom MG Club is a club run for all MG's vintage, classic, and modern, in all stages of repair, from concourse to well used and even non MG cars.
We operate from the Kingdom of Fife and have monthly meetings on the first Wednesday of the month at the Pitlessie Village Inn, Pitlessie at 8.00pm for a chat and a drink.
We attend local Classic Car Shows at Errol, Glamis and Drum Castle. We also go on club runs usually on the third Saturday or Sunday of the months between March and October and a Chilly Willy run on the second weekend in January weather permitting. One of the runs is a weekend run allowing us to travel further afield. We also support the "Gathering of the Clans" a run to meet the other MG clubs.
We are an informal friendly club and welcome new members for the social events and support you with help with the difficulties you encounter with your MG.
Good day and the weather held, a few more interested MG'rs for the Tayside and Kingdom clubs...all round good day